Mamaroneck High School

Welcome to the
Mamaroneck High School
Class of 1984 Home Page
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First Time User of the Site?
Welcome to the MHS Class of 1984 Website! This is a dedicated website for our class, which can be used year after year for planning reunions and keeping in touch. Nothing can duplicate the brilliance of Michael Cammer's 20th reunion website, but we hope this comes close.
First time visitor? If you are a First Time Visitor to our class website, read some important information about setting up your profile, choosing your privacy settings, and more. Be sure to complete your profile, upload pictures, and read about what other classmates have been doing on the Classmate Profiles page. We have provided some questions to prompt your memories and creativity, but what you share is up to you.
Where Are We Now? Use the map view for a visual picture of where we are scattered around the globe.
Missing Classmates. Any classmate who has not yet registered on this site is listed as "missing." Scan the Missing Classmates list and encourage other classmates to sign up. Please also send us contact information for missing classmates.
Memorial Tributes. Too many of our classmates are no longer with us. On the In Memory page, share your memories of friends we lost too soon and read tributes left by other classmates, including thoughts shared during our earlier reunions.
Photos. Create photo galleries to share with the class -- or upload pictures to existing photo albums. We are still in the process of adding and editing pictures we have collected over the years, but don't let that stop you from uploading any pictures you want to share now!
Connect Through Facebook. Join the MHS 84 class page on Facebook. We are not admins on the Facebook page, but will do our best to post information about the reunion there too.
Want to Help Maintain and Populate the Site? There is so much we can do with the website, which is easy to learn and intuitive to use. If you are a willing volunteer with time to help, let us know.
Contact Us. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Please email us at mamaroneck1984@gmail.com.
Number of visits to this page: 28,730